Time to Talk

Highlighting the Time to Talk awareness day on the 1st of February allows children to turn to others for help during difficult times. The simple act of sharing a problem with someone can provide relief and much-needed comfort and reassurance. 

Police Children’s Fund will always support initiatives that can help enhance children’s general well-being, health, and safety.

Here are some of the reasons why this campaign is so beneficial:

Mental Health Support: Promoting Time to Talk aligns with our mission to be there to support the children of deceased or medically retired police officers from our contributing forces, who need our help and understanding. Our Mental Health Support grants are there for eligible children to use when they are desperate for emotional support during a critical time of significant change and disruption to their everyday lives.

Reducing Stigma: The Time to Talk initiative aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. By participating, Police Children’s Fund can contribute to a more accepting and understanding society which can make it easier for children from police families to discuss their feelings and concerns without fear of judgment.

Raising Awareness: Our charity can use this day as an opportunity to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by children of police officers who have lost their lives or who have been medically retired. They can share stories and experiences.

Fundraising: Events around Time to Talk can serve us as a registered charity by encouraging those who don’t usually donate, to support us during this time. All donations received help us to provide financial stability including funding for access to mental health services for children in need at a difficult time in their lives, minimising any disruption to their education.

Increased Visibility: Time to Talk helps us to attract attention and recognition for what we do, as well as being visible to potential beneficiaries, donors, and fundraisers; expanding our reach and impact.

Education and Resources: This initiative’s platform has educational resources, toolkits, and information about coping strategies and support mechanisms for children dealing with significant disruption and trauma.

We promote a culture of open communication and support for children’s general well-being and access to education and mental health services.

Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about how we help.