Police Children’s Fund is a grant giving charity, providing financial assistance to support the education, development and wellbeing of children of medically retired or deceased police officers from our 22 contributing forces across England and South Wales. The Trustees will also consider the children of retired police officers who have died and children of Special Constables who died on duty.
Police Children’s Fund is a charity and financial need has to be established. Applicants are therefore required to provide comprehensive information regarding their monthly income, expenditure and credit commitments. Details of savings and investments must also be declared.
Official police force / federation representatives can use the Referral Form to let us know about a family who may need our help. Please include as much information as possible. Copies of the children’s birth certificates are required and can be uploaded at the end of the form. All referrals will be acknowledged in an email by a member of staff at Police Children’s Fund.
Application/Annual Review
The Application/Review Form can be used by registered families when the time comes to submit their Annual Review. This form can also be used by medically retired officers who wish to make a direct application. Following receipt of the form the Fund will make contact with a force/federation representative to verify the officer’s police service and medical retirement.
The trustees meet every February, May, August and November and an applicant will be advised of the trustees’ decision by the end of the month in which their application was reviewed.
If accepted onto the Fund, a beneficiary may receive a weekly allowance, educational grants, celebratory payments or a mental health support grant.