How We Help in Real Life

The lovely mum of three of our beneficiaries, daughters of a deceased retired officer from Kent, has shared a few words about her experience with Police Children’s Fund.

“My husband Dan died very suddenly on Father’s Day 2022. He had developed multiple pulmonary embolisms after having Covid and this resulted in him going into cardiac arrest.

Dan was previously a DC and we moved to Cheshire in 2021 with our 3 daughters. We didn’t know anyone and were a very tight family, the five of us. Our daughters were 13, 9 and 4 when he died. Suddenly, not only had our world shattered but we were left alone and I didn’t know how we would manage financially.

Someone from Dan’s old police force told me about the Fund so I applied. I was accepted through easily and quickly. It’s helped so much! One daughter was able to go to summer camp and just forget about all the bad things that had happened for a while and just be a child! I’ve been able to get anything the children need by using the grant which is paid to me quarterly.

It took some of the strain away in an already devastating time. I can use the grants for anything school related and it’s helped with days out for the girls. It has taken the pressure off me so I can focus on getting myself and our children through the grief.”